Swathi Magnolia,Devashtanagalu,varthur
Parking information
₹7000 deposit
- Parking Facility
- Gated apartment
- Parking floor Basement
- Security gate
Gated facility
A person opens and closes it manually
- Accessibility & Convenience
Sticker required on car
Access anytime
Has separate entry and exits?
- Parking entry
- Basement
- Security
- Protection
Security guard
High walls
Parking markers
Parking has walls/pillars
Covered roof
What kind of vehicles can be parked here?
![Parking image](https://sgparkingspaces.s3.amazonaws.com/e2a45ca7-fd30-410e-822e-b189e833bc6b.jpg)
Parking location
How to get here?
- Landmark
- Near Unique Hypermarket
- Directions
- Near by areas